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Major Radio Interviews


Weissmark, M. (September 29, 2020). KPCC Radio - Interview with Larry Mantle "How could Diversity Training be Improved?"


Weissmark, M. (November 9, 2017). KGO Radio - Interview with Ethan Bearman "Why Diversity Programs Fail".


Weissmark, M. (2004, September 21). WGN Radio Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg
Extension 720 hosts a 
one-hour live interview with noted Chicago author Professor Mona Sue Weissmark, author of Justice Matters: Legacies of the Holocaust and World War II.

PROGRAM TIME: 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM (central time)


Weissmark, M. (2004, July 6). National Radio New Zealand. Linda Clark Interviews Mona Weissmark.

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